Mikvah Chava Faiga
Fair Lawn, New Jersey
This mikvah is by appointment only.
Klal Yisrael is encouraged to beautify objects with which we perform our mitzvot as long as we are cognizant that we do the mitzvah because Hashem gave it to us. We believe in Him and His Torah, and we know that every mitzvah is a source of blessing for us. Since 1989, the Fair Lawn mikvah has successfully served our community. It is overflowing with holiness and rich history and has enabled families to keep the precious mitzvah of Taharat Hamishpacha with utmost dignity. Baruch Hashem, in June 2023, after over three decades of holy use, we reopened an extensively upgraded and remodeled mikvah that reflects the growth of our community and the mikvah's increased use. Dedicated in loving memory of Chava Faiga Gluck a"h, a woman who epitomized the beautification and sanctification of all mitzvot and especially Taharat Hamishpacha, it is our hope that the Mikvah Chava Faiga of Fair Lawn service our growing community for many years to come.