• Sunday-Thursday appointments can be made up to two hours before opening time. 

  • Friday/Yom Tov appointments can be made until 2:00 pm.

  • To make a kallah or late appointment (for additional fee) or to make changes to your appointment, please text or call 201-468-0098. Messages that come into this phone line will be managed closely during mikvah operational hours. For any emergencies, please call the number and leave a voicemail. 

  • Bedikah cloths are sold at the mikvah and can be added to an appointment registration. 

  • After booking, you will receive a confirmation email with a code. Please give that or your cell phone number to the mikvah attendant upon arrival. 

  • Your prompt arrival to your appointment is greatly appreciated. 

  • Throughout the year, we operate as a women’s only mikvah. Men’s mikvah hours are provided only on Erev Rosh Hashanah and Erev Yom Kippur.

    Thank you for your adherence to our protocol.